Hello!!! And welcome to CPUS' blogsite, a place where all (well, almost all :p) activities of the college's pre university department are showcased here.
our blue-sy department
CPUS is the first pre-university school/department in Malaysia to adopt the revolutionary Holistic & Smart-Andragogy teaching and learning approach.NOW, YOU WOULD WONDER, what is that Holistic & all the whatever thingie?
Andragogy- is the teaching of adults- distinguished from pedagogy, which is the teaching of children. All other things - communication courses, vocational training, skills training, workplace training, professional development training, self-paced personal development, informal learning, and all presentations that have the intent of teaching anything really-is considered Andragogy.
The basis of Holistic Learning (as it is the aim of CPUS's lecturer to give their students) is that the 'individual personality consists of many elements ... specifically ... the intellect, emotions, the body impulse (or desire), intuition and imagination (Laird, D. 1985 Approaches to training and development Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., p.121) that all require activation if learning is to be more effective.
It means that holistic learning basically covers not only the memory nor mind, but also cooperative (between students), emotional literacy, knowledge of the whole system of a subject, multiple intelligences, and most of all the individual's learning style - to make the ordinary learning meaningful.
So... Back to the concept - Holistic & Smart-Andragogy teaching and learning approach.
WE are proud to say that CPUS of KDU started and improved the way of giving the students a wholesome education, not only aiming to help them do well in their academics, but to help them develope into the individuals that they can be.
With that in mind, CPUS of KDU College have held a strong student results in the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Foundation Year and the Cambridge A-Level programme. Our students have obtained admission into to top universities such as Cambridge, Oxford, London, New South Wales, Melbourne, Tasmania and Sydney University.
Of course, let's not talk about all that, as we know that these information can also be found on our KDU website .
Now, since it's a blog site, we'll try to make it 'sound' and 'feel' like a blog site.
This means that the writing will basically be less formal than it would be.
Also, we plan to blog to you, our readers, what's hot and what's Been Hot (we do not have the What's Not).
But in order to do that, you'll have to tune in to the next post here.
It'll be before the upcoming 2010 of course - we must close this year with all the super activities that have happened throughout 2009!!!
Till then!! ADIOS!!! :)
Salam 1 Malaysia...
Great effort. Hope to see more students and lecturers participate in this blog...